Project Outcomes

The expected outputs for all working​ packages are:

  • 40 questionnaires from staff of the future leather centers, collected and analyzed

  • 40 questionnaires from experts

  • 20 participants for the focus groups

  • 10 best practices collected and analyzed

  • 1 Methodology pack created

  • 1 Database with EU best practices

  • 2 Research reports developed for Jordan and for Egypt

  • 1 Final (cross-country) research report created

  • 1 Toolkit for the capacity building created

  • 2 Capacity building sessions implemented

  • 1 Report about the capacity building created

  • 8 pieces of leather testing equipment and devices procured, delivered and installed

  • 4 pilot sessions for the Leather centers

  • 4 Centers’ services organized

  • 200 brochures displaying the activities of the activities published

  • Collaboration platform developed

  • 1 Quality Plan developed

  • 6 Quality & Evaluation reports produced​

  • Dissemination and Exploitation Plan produced

  • 100 contacts per partner for the contacts in Jordan & Egypt

  • 300 printed copies of leaflets

  • 1 project logo

  • 1 project website

  • 1 FB page

  • 1Sustainable business model for Leather centers produced

  • 2 Background papers for the Roundtables - one for Jordan and one for Egypt

  • 2 Roundtables “Leather centers development and Investment promotion for inclusive and sustainable growth in Jordan and Egypt” - one for Jordan and one for Egypt

  • 1 Recommendations paper based on the Roundtables produced and circulated

  • 1 Final conference organized and implemented in Egypt

  • 1 Management Plan developed.


"This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ERASMUS plus Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of Innolea Partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme’s management structures."